Will daycare ruin my potty training efforts?

Bark-A-Bout is well-equipped to deal with all the messiness of eliminations. However, as a pet owner you may be concerned about what this means for your dogโ€™s house training. We dedicate so much time teaching our dogs that going indoors is BAD and going outdoors is GOOD. To us, it looks so obvious โ€“ if thereโ€™s a ceiling, floor and walls, itโ€™s considered โ€œindoorsโ€. If thereโ€™s grass and sky we consider that โ€œoutdoorsโ€. Of course your dog notices these differences but the primary sense for a dog is not sight, it is smell! With so many differing scents and pheromones a dog comes across within our facility, to a dog, our resort more closely emulates the outdoors. Dogs donโ€™t have any problems distinguishing between our bark park turf and your living room carpet.



