What if my dog doesn’t like to play with others?

Each dog’s personality and energy level is unique and individual.  Not every dog likes to wrestle, and some older dogs may prefer to relax and lounge around or hang out with our handlers. As each of our handlers get to know your dog’s play style, your dog will selectively be placed in playgroups that best suit their personality and energy level. Socialization and exercise is important for a healthy, well-adjusted dog, so our handlers guide playtime by cycling through periods of active group play and interaction (like fetch and follow-the-leader), followed by periods of relaxation and supervision. Regardless of your dog’s energy level, we pride ourselves on giving your pet a positive, healthy experience at our resort. For the new first-timers or for the dogs that haven’t visited in some time, after all the fun and excitement at our resort it is not uncommon to return home tired and ready for a good nap. However, all that being said, for dogs with compromised immune systems or nearing their end of life, we do not advise dog daycare or hotel. Similar to humans who go through big changes like getting married, moving, having a baby, etc, though these big changes are happy and exciting, alterations in sleep pattern and daily routine alone can cause physical and mental stress and weaken the immune system. Bark-A-Bout prides ourselves on fun, safe, active mental stimulation and socialization in addition to physical exercise and movement. However, the simple changes of environment and daily routine alone can place too much stress on a tired or weak dog. Please use your best judgment to decide if your dog is physically fit for this type of exertion. By no means is dog daycare/hotel fit for every dog at every stage of their life. If you are having doubts in any way that your aging dog might not be a good fit for our facility, please call up Bark-A-Bout and speak to our Vet Tech for professional advice: (586)566-8900. For those looking to board an aging dog or dog that has a weakened immune system, instead, we suggest finding an entrusted family member or friend to dog-sit at your home who can adhere to your dog’s daily routine and therefore minimize any additional unnecessary stress on their system.



