Tail’ored Enrichment Survey

[vc_normal_text first_section=”yes” title=”Tail’ored Enrichment Survey”][/vc_normal_text]
Owner Name
Your dog's name(Required)
When FIRST selecting Bark-A-Bout for your dog's daycare needs, what considerations were MOST important to you at the time?
When Bark-A-Bout first approached you regarding the beta-test of our Enrichment Program, were you ALREADY familiar with the concept of Enrichment?
How satisfied are you with the effects the Tail'ored Enrichment Program has had on your dog?

Overall, how satisfied with you with Bark-A-Bout's Tail'ored Enrichment Program?

If Bark-A-Bout launches the Tail'ored Enrichment Program on a wider scale, how likely are you to enroll your dog?
If Bark-A-Bout launches the Enrichment Program on a wider scale, would you be willing to pay for a Tail'ored Enrichment Curriculum for your dog?

If Bark-A-Bout launches the Enrichment Program on a wider scale, how likely are you to RECCOMMEND this program to others, or speak highly of the program if asked about it?
Would you mind if we post any of your responses on our website, or social media?(Required)