How To Upload Your Plunge Video

It’s super easy!

Please visit (a free website that makes it easy to email videos of all sizes).

Press the +  in the blue circle and select your short video. Fill in the Email, then type in your personal email (which will be used to receive a confirmation code). In the comment section, please write your First and Last name and the Pet Rescue you are supporting. Press “TRANSFER”

A pop-up box will ask you for the confirmation code that has now been sent to the personal email address you just provided. **If you are working from a PC computer, be sure to open up a NEW window to check your email (so that you don’t lose your place on Check your personal email and COPY the verification code provided. Go back to and PASTE the verification code in the box provided. Your download should immediately begin processing! Once your download is complete, your video file will be emailed to us. Great job!

You will receive a confirmation email once Bark-A-Bout OPENS your downloaded file.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to call Bark-A-Bout’s Marketing & Events Coordinator at (586)566-8900 ext. 101 (Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm. Feel free to leave a message.)