Daycare 2.0

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Bark-A-Bout Is Splitting Our Playgroups In Half
Dogs value the time we spend focused completely on them, and that’s easier to do in smaller groups. By splitting our playgroups in half according to shared personality and interests, staff will provide double the amount of personal attention to help build your dog’s social confidence.
To Reinvigorate Your Pup For Each Round Of Fun
Bark-A-Bout is applying interval training techniques to reduce over-exhaustion and reinvigorate your pup. By incorporating carefully-timed rest breaks into our play sessions, your dog will enjoy more exhilarating, shorter-timed play sessions that will surely send home a tired and content pup.
Never A Dull Moment
For an even more mentally-stimulating social experience, we are reintroducing toys onto our play floors.

Daycare 2.0 Starts November 29, 2022
New Daycare 2.0 Prices launch January 1st, 2023
Call Bark-A-Bout to take part in our current Black Fur’iday Deal:
 Purchase Daycare 2.0 days at Daycare 1.0 prices!
Daycare purchases expire 6 months after the purchase date. We no longer offer “Second Family Dog Discounts” or Package Deals.


Smaller Groups Require A Stricter Attendance Policy

To accurately staff our smaller playgroups and enable us to inform any standby clients of availability, Bark-A-Bout now requires: 
A Minimum 24-hour’s Notice For All Daycare 2.0 Cancellations!
Any Daycare 2.0 cancellation made inside the 24-hour window will be charged for a full day of Daycare 2.0.
Outstanding account balances must be paid in full upon arrival at the next visit.  



[vc_text_banner colorbg=”#7c6e66″]For Questions, please call Bark-A-Bout at (586)566-8900[/vc_text_banner]